15 Jun 2021
The Harding Miller Education Foundation provides girls in Australian public schools scholarships to allow them to receive a better education. Last year, towards the end of Year 8, I heard about this opportunity, and so I submitted an application to Harding Miller. A month later, I received the news that I was successful in achieving a scholarship, with about 150 other girls from across Australia. The scholarship continues for Year 9 and 10, with the chance to reapply for Years 11 and 12.
The scholarship packages includes things like a laptop, money to spend on tutoring, homework help, a prepaid card for school expenses, and a coach, who can help you with many different things regarding the scholarship. On Monday the 31st May I was able to attend an award ceremony in Sydney's Town Hall, with the other girls receiving a Harding Miller scholarship in NSW and the ACT. I was able to meet amazing people, I had a chance to talk to the other girls and had some guest speakers before the actual ceremony.
The ceremony consisted of many people receiving different scholarships from public high schools across NSW, performances, and some more guest speakers. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, both the day activities and the night's ceremony.
This scholarship is an amazing opportunity and I encourage other girls to apply for it this year.
-Hayley, Year 9